Farm Data

Farm Data

If you need phone numbers to call, we can provide with a list as follows:

The list will contain:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Phone number
  • Removal of Do Not Call

Landlines and Mobile numbers:

  • Landlines (provide about 65% more numbers than mobile and about 75% better accuracy). This list is most recommended for telemarketing campaigns, per zip code lists.
  • Mobile numbers (provide about 65% fewer phone numbers than landlines and about 45% accuracy) only recommended for texting campaigns with whole cities rather than zip codes.


  • Filter by Location (Cities or Zip Codes)
  • Filter by Area Code
  • Filter by Credit Rating
  • Filter by Property Type
  • Filter by Homeowner/Non-Homeowner
  • Filter by Home Purchase Year
  • Filter by Home Purchase Price
  • Filter by Total Home Value
  • Filter by Income
  • Filter by Net Worth
  • Filter by Language

If you need a list, please send us an email with the type of leads and filters you want to use.

Cost: The price per zip code or city is $10.00 (Farm Data is FREE when you order a Telemarketing Campaign or VoiceBlast)